Thursday, May 25, 2006

Godly fire

praise God for trial seasons. they can be so excruciating and bewildering but my o my are they worth it and beautiful, even if only in hindsight! He is so faithful to cleanse us and prune us; to burn off all the cumbersome sin and rebellion in us that only weighs us down & keeps us from entering into His presence more richly and deeply.
glory to our King for seasons of trying and refining.
here's some things i have only begun to learn and am so grateful God has shown so many of us as we have walked alongside Him in this time of burning of the dross:
random quotes...all from leonard ravenhill-

"The only time you can really say that 'Christ is all I need,' is when Christ is all you have."

"The Bible is either absolute, or it's obsolete."

"How can you pull down strongholds of Satan if you don't even have the strength to turn off your TV?"

"If a Christian is not having tribulation in the world, there's something wrong!"

"Church unity comes from corporate humility."

"You can have all of your doctrines right, yet still not have the presence of God."

"A true shepherd leads the way. He does not merely point the way."

"Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus was?"

"Maturity comes from obedience, not necessarily from age."

"We must do what we can do for God, before He will give us the power to do what we
can't do."

"You can't develop character by reading books. You develop it from conflict."