Friday, November 12, 2010

love never goes to waste.
no, realllllly though.
it NEVER goes to waste.
it may SEEM to go to waste when i put time constraints or preconceived notions/desires of the outcomes on giving love.
it may SEEM to go to waste if i don't perceive getting something, even a tiny something, "in return."
it may SEEM to go to waste when the person in front of my face that i'm attempting to love well, as best i know how in that given moment, responds in a negative or neutral fashion.
it may SEEM to go to waste when...

you fill in your own blanks, friends.

but, here's the bottom line--
the very nature of love, i'm talking REAL, ETERNAL, PERFECT Love flows from one place...and boy oh boy does it flow with no end & without conditions.
if i find myself getting tired loving and fully embracing certain persons, myself, environments or situations...well- it's a red flag, a dear old friend, meant to expose to me my inner parts that have yet to lean on God, and on HIS kind of Love.

"PERFECT Love throws out, expels, casts out, rejects ALL fear.", right? RIGHT.
no need to "hold back" or "save" our love for those whom we perceive to receive it the way we'd like for them to receive/apply it...that's a mentality of rationing our love.
no need to ration infinite, fearless love. no need to give in to a utilitarian mindset that weighs and schemes love...that is simply not the simple but strong childlike Love we are called, equipped, and privileged to give away.

.[1 corinthians 13].