Thursday, August 19, 2010

music of the moment...

thoughts presently lovingly whomping my boo-tay:

"the Bible says that everyone 'marveled at the words of Jesus.' but Mary 'treasured the words.' there is a difference. she made place in her heart for what was spoken, gave it a safe place to be nurtured until it was birthed. i don't know if it's possible for everyone to do that latter part. i would like to believe it is. so here's the question:
'what would you like to give birth to, what would you like to give place to that would actually impact the course of history for cities, nations? what is it that you would like to carry in your heart?' there may be thousands of us, there may be millions of us. i would like to think that there are many of us carrying the same promises. yet while i know that there are so many that feel the same, i must carry that promise, steward the promise before the Lord, as if i were the only one stewarding it, though. i don't like the arrogant thing that can rise up from out of that, but I must carry that thing before the Lord with excellence..."

billy boy johnson.
bethel podcast 9 august 2010.