Monday, April 27, 2009

the fog of unknowing.

well friends, since last i wrote the Lord has led me from madison, wisconsin to chicago; back to kansas city for a week or so; then to marion, indiana; then to lexington, kentucky; back to kansas city.
currently i'm oh so thankful to be spending a couple of weeks in kansas city with my sweet cousin ellen while my aunt has a couple weeks to rest in florida & then do some mission work in haiti.

i'm grateful for this time to be with, love, serve, and just plain ol' enjoy my family.
it's also provided some long-yearned-for time to work on music- writing/guitar/vocals/harmonica/piano.
for the last 5 years or so, it seems there's this nearly-never satisfied desire to work on the musical side of know that feeling- the one where there's an ache and pull deep down to do something[s], but the noise, busy-ness and movement of the american lifestyle keeps you just at the threshold of actually acting on the ache...ick.

so i'm attempting to slow down my life enough [and be self-disciplined enough!] to work on music stuff for an hour or two a day whenever possible.
it's quite refreshing for the soul.

the Lord's also been good enough to lovingly kick my booty back into gear as far as being in His Word once again in a committed, disciplined way.
this time around without the false knowledge-hording lacking the desire to re-enact what i read, well, lets just say there's a tenacity and craving and child-likeness that He's cultivating in this heart.
He's teaching me ever-more to, to the best of my ability, hold His hand, be guided by the ultimate Guide, taught by the ultimate Teacher, and walk through His Word with Him- then ask how to apply, that very same day, what i've just chewed on with Him.

so, as it turns out...God was quite right, as He always seems to be. :)
life at His side is a relentless Treasure Hunt.
and i may still yet find myself in a haze of unknowing in regards to what my next month or even what my next week may hold...but He is committed and true and oh so steady inside me.
and He is ever-weaning this soul inside my chest from the false hopes, fake peace and shallow thoughts that i have always found so natural, yet never really had an affinity for.

seems He's morphing many of my default-modes once again.

He is Freedom.
and Release.
all Hope is bound up in Him.
and all Peace has one Source alone.

i've got enough.
far more than enough for daily nourishment in Him.