Sunday, July 16, 2006 :
this website sends out a weekly email and shares very specific people, nations, and situations to interceed for. reality can be tough but it's still truth and as our brothers and sisters suffer, we should stand between them and God and feel what they feel regularly. being @ this missionary base has taught me this vital and non-negotiable area of following Jesus and truly loving His Body and feeling pain when they feel pain; screaming in joy when they are blessed and delivered by God's strength working through the powerful and effective prayers that go up to Him. :
just learned about this ministry that's rising up for all the oral learners of the world (what what!). it's main theme is to better reach more people groups around the world. approx. 2/3 of all people in the world either can't or won't learn through reading. they want to learn through stories, drama, music, parables, etc. it is a great effort @ "being all things to all men that we may by all means reach some for Christ." it's simply doing what Jesus did- meeting each individual where they're @ and loving them by communicating with them in ways they're more comfortable with. this is so important in all evangelism endeavors!
the idea is to do what Jesus did-
mark 4:33-34 :
"He used many such stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they were able to understand. In fact, in his public teaching he taught only with parables, but afterward when he was alone with his disciples, he explained the meaning to them."

we got to watch a sample oral story about Cain & Abel.
sarah got major goosebumps. this whole concept it mad cool. seems there's something to all this if Jesus leaned so heavily on it in His 3 year public ministry.

i pray ya'll are pressing in, finding God is all you ever wanted and way beyond. please pray for me specifically that God would have His way. one of the possible outreach locations for my particular school is litterally the one place i always dreaded going to. so just pray that God would truly have His way in all areas of me, that He'd break through any clouds, any fog that's keeping me from feeling His presence, guidance, delight in and love for me. learning to hear His voice is nuts. but man is it ever on His heart for all of us who love and follow Him. we must persevere in this particular area in life. "the Spirit said...", "the Spirit compelled us..." time in prayer and listening to Him is simply vital. challenging and a constant learning process that must be undertaken in humility and deep trust in the fact that He wants to speak and guide us even more than we want Him to- amen!

He is on the move in every nation right this minute. we are so blessed to follow such a King.