I'm gonna be honest with ya, today is a sarah is scared day.
Leaving these kids, friends, and spiritual family...basically this entire current ministry location and packing up and truckin it to Texas with like less than 10% of my support raised thus far is nutso. There's no cute, pretty, clear explanation. I have been getting tears in my eyes off and on as I'm around these kiddos this afternoon (some I have seen grow up the past couple years) and am asking myself why I'm crazy enough to leave a place that has become part of my home the past like 1/4th of my life. I got nothing to stand on right now but faith in God. I'm learning that faith is not so much believing God for stuff as it is believing God for Himself, that He's Who He says He is, ya know? As my co-worker buddy Chris just said to me "You know what you need to do...just shut your pie hole and do it."