for real, i want to get to tyler, tx in june.
real bad.
as of now i have about 1/8th of the necessary support raised financially, which honestly is tight considering i just started like a month ago. insane that i only have like 3 more weeks for the rest though, huh? thanks so much for what's happened already my God. as far as prayer support, i can feel that, too. thanks to all you guys interceeding and holding me up. prayer is some strong stuff.
seems this is one of those times i ask myself what most any american would.
now wouldn't this whole needing money deal have been easier if you would have just gone with the typical, bachelor's degree-holdin, floating with the current, the pattern of this world, and made the bucks so you could have saved some moo-la?
but snap, workin with youth full time, doing what i never once in over two years dreaded showing up to work for, is soooo much better than a 9-5 prison that is cushy and expected.
all that to say - puleeeeze... God is way bigger than all these measly paper dollar bills. bigger than any dillema any of us are allowed by God to face, as He works it for good. i am just learning to walk that fine line b/t stepping out in faith after hearing His call to do so despite my tired/confused heart vs. seeing obstacles as "doors shut by God" ya know?
i have just gotten comfortable here. too comfortable. i am still being challenged, don't get me wrong. but i can feel my spirit begging for some NEW challenges for a while.
anyway, these are the times when fasting and prayer gets us centered and back on the Prize, the Pupose, the Vision, the Center. all these questions only draw us closer to His side...which is His major motivation in a lot of everything He does, huh?
anyhoo- praise God for hope, for "patient expectation" as His greek says. oh yes. expecting this season to not be permanent. to not make my home here. to refuse to focus on the problems and to instead meditate on the only Solution, the Ultimate Beginning and End. Psalm 139 tells me that God's wrapped Himself around us, surrounded us front and back.
ah, to know with all i got that my only permanent comfort is God.
it's just me and Him. and that's far more than o.k.