psalm 46:10:
"be still and know that I am God."
the original hebrew that this verse was penned in reads:
"let go, relax, cease striving and know that I am God."
I have learned to offer nothing but myself. In and of myself, as a creation bought by the Ultimate Buyer's blood, i have Christ's right-standing with God clothing me. I have learned to simply accept that I am accepted. With God the Father, there need not be any fear of condemnation or of Him simply not "liking" me @ times...God's love, PERFECT love chases away and defeats fear.
I have learned that striving and independence are a couple things that children who trust their parents rarely participate in. And that as a child of my God, I am called to "be still and know that He is God." To relax, let go and know that He's in charge. The thing about our God people, is that He's got this love right, this love without limits. This love times infinity. We can't annoy or drain or be separated from His love. He's got our backs. We're under His wing as a mother bird protects with insane, selfless, undying love her chick.
Let go of your whole self, life, desires, shortcomings, questions and truly fall into His arms.
He'll catch ya. Every stinkin' time.