welp it's most assuredly been getting colder out.
for as long as i can remember, there've been a couple things that energize me like no other--
1.meeting/laughing with/enjoying/learning about humans.
2.being outside- particularly on warm days...i heart the sun. like... a LOT.
but going along with a current thread that God has been kind enough to lead me on in the last couple years in particular...is this theme of digging in. really being stubborn about soaking up every single last bit of Life & Joy & Good that absolutely every given situation, person, environment, season, or experience has to offer.
because if i believe that God is in fact only a Truth-teller and not a liar, then it only makes sense that i grab hold of His hand & look Him in the eyes & ask daily for the strength to abide & daily believe that when He said "NEVER will I leave you. NEVER will i walk away from you." that He really meant it. that He really, really, really meant it.
and that it's a promise that applies to every moment of every day.
and when He also said He "will fulfill His purposes for me" He meant it not as the icing on some perfect cake...but as very hope in the midst of hopelessness. as the very substance of what we set our feet on in the difficulties, confusion, and, perhaps one of the toughest curve balls that life sometimes throws our way-- yes, even smack dab in the 'treachery of the mundane' & the "keep on keeping on" of longsuffering and patience.
and when we know these two things- that HE. IS. HERE. always.
and that no matter how much "His ways are far above our ways & understanding"...no matter how long we seem to be "waiting" for a promise...that He is indeed the ultimate Steward- stewarding every hour of our lives, leading us PERFECTLY into His PERFECT plans for every single one of us.
and so, even now, in regards to the various "cares" or questions that each of us may be learning to give to God...and with the couple things that energize me mucho- humans & warm outdoors...currently i find myself perhaps not surrounded by swarms of my friends living in the same city with me like i'm usually accustomed to- and they are instead scattered all over the earth right now in this season. and perhaps i am daily having to pray that God help me see just something, anything, good & pleasant about this cold, gray, sunless winter speedily approaching us, well i trust.
because there are obviously FAR bigger crises and FAR deeper needs & longings being felt by others right this very moment.
and because i know this God.
and boy oh boy is He amazingly loving AND wise.
and THAT my friends is a swell combo.
at least during this chilly time of year there's swarms & swarms of squirrels out gathering and planning and preparing to brace themselves for the coming cold season.
MAN...i love squirrels.
so there.
i've already discovered one upside to the cold...