unloading the cars of my stuff
starbucks with marsh
oh poo...i already miss the kiddos/coyote - this isn't good, it's only day 1
hiding from my sweet little cous
realizing that 1/4 of my support is in- praise God! t-minus 17 days until bro and i depart to TX
making a pact with marsh to read through the bible together and compare notes
bike ride with the broski
sigh of relief...i'll see soon enough why God had me move on from a job i adored
reminiscing of being accepted to seminary a couple years back but feeling pulled towards youth ministry instead for some reason- totally see why now- answers come but are oftentimes in hindsight when it's with God and that's totally alright
want to go to seminary REAL bad again
spaghetti and meatballs with salad curteousy gramps and gma
still wondering how long this newfound hole of needing (or is it just simple wanting?!) a family will last...
unpacking more stuff
talking on the phone with the kids
it's off to michegan tomorrow for a few days. yesssss. large bodies of water to take in, plane rides and chillin with the pops.
i'm sorry, but shawn mcdonalds "ripen" is phenomenal- hello eternal perspective!