our God is such a good Daddy.
it's nutso how being around kids can both wear you out and re-fuel you like no other sometimes. one of the most tiring things for me @ times is how esp. little kiddos would ask that infamous question "why?"' til Kingdom come if they could. @ the same time though, it's totally beautiful. you can see it on their faces. they're learning. non-stop. all the time. taking in new lessons and sights and storing them away in their little heads and hearts so that they can one day use them again. when i was in the Word the other day it really struck me how you can be an avid reader and have your quiet time and all this, yet if the Word is there to inform you and not conform your daily life it is not being alllowed to have its proper way in our lives really. it's miraculously hard- learning from God, you know?
so many of us seem to be in this funk time right now where it's easy, w/o the perspective of Truth, to get kinda jaded and just feel all around weird i suppose.
almost as if God isn't quite who i've thought all my life He was. and that can seriously take a girl for a loop to say the least. similarly, i think way deep down i was kind of scared of marriage b/c of the day i'd wake up next to hubbs and realize he wasn't quite who i'd committed to, who i'd given up my identity & laid it all on the line for; who i'd promised God i'd love, respect, support and enjoy the rest of my days. then i was led to this doozie of a verse yesterday... psalm 27 is rockin' my boat lately...4-5:"The one thing I ask of the LORD--the thing I seek most-is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD's perfections and meditating in his Temple."this brought so much peace to my screwy heart last night. for real. what a sigh of rest and joy comes when we meditate on the fact that God's beautiful perfections will never diminish or cease. never. ever. we can truly enjoy Him, our spouses, others, and even ourselves for the rest of our lives if our focus and drive comes from this one primary Source. a source that never runs dry. shift your focus to anything but His perfections and beauty and BAM, all else begins to lose it's luster and glow. nothing seems to quite satisfy if He's not @ the top of our to-do lists.and He is way too good to let us hold onto our petty, immature, small pictures of Him. he must go on as Father & Teacher. i must go on even when i am battling fear or confusion or trust issues or a downcast soul off & on. i must continue to choose joy and to remember that my Daddy loves me too much to let me stay where i am @ and always live a comfortable, expected life that virtually always gives way to complacency, small expectations and small views of a God who is in no way boring, unloving, or tiny.
Proverbs 12:1-To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.
Proverbs 11:25-those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.