Monday, October 04, 2010

Who's in charge here?

Oh, how quickly those things not held with an open hand become idols, small gods which drag us around as they please and which we serve.

It truly is more apparent than ever to me that we human beings are indeed creatures who in our very basic wiring WILL worship. We SHALL continually make either THE God or far, far lesser god(s) our master. Myriad distractions, busy-ness & noise vie for our minds, affections, time and, ultimately, our entire lives.

So, what'll it be? Who or what will I allow to lead me around?

May we not just look to God to guide our months or years...but all those untold moments and hours that no one else will ever see or recognize or praise. This hour is continually turning into the next hour. Every day is continually turning into the next day. It never stops moving and morphing, changing and growing. We will either become the slave or, in God's might, make our thoughts, desires, and days our slaves.