I'm presently really enjoying this little 122-page gem.
It's written in this ancient form of writing called "sense lines" which helps the reader pause and really ponder certain things without 21st-century-style plowing through.
This collection of thoughts is somethin' else. I find it's already gently but effectively exposing filters I didn't even know I had about this God-Man.
"Most folks think of Jesus
as the man who started Christianity.
But it turns out
he wasn't just a man,
and he didn't just start Christianity.
Most folks think of Jesus
as an other-worldly religious leader,
a great moral teacher,
or maybe they don't think of him at all.
But he had dirty feet,
cooked breakfast
and got himself killed.
Who was this guy?
Why did people hate him so much?
And why should I care?
Whether you've never looked closely at the Christian faith or you've dismissed it as irrelevant, you owe yourself a glance at a Jesus unencumbered by stereotypes. You might be surprised at what you see..."