.the sounds and smells rain produces, completely apart from any effort of mankind.
.the look on a baby or child's face when they're being still and just thinking and observing their surroundings-- somewhere along the way to adulthood, humans seem to forget the magnitude of life-giving fuel there is in spending a bit more of our days 'being still and knowing He is God.'
.a field of lightning bugs absolutely showing off and lighting up a field on a summer night-- displaying for us no less than a free fireworks show.
.that as children of God we are free to risk as our Dad leads...because no possible outcome-whether good, bad or ugly- is bigger than His activity, protection, and leadership in our lives.
.mowing grass-- the smells, the companionship of the sun, the thinking time, the sweating...ahh love it.
.for the absolutely unique humor, facial expressions, quirks, values, dreams, and thoughts each human i will ever come into contact owns that i will NEVER find in another human other than them. its as if meeting someone new is a front-row ticket to a movie showing that will only be played once, never repeated.
.the way a dog can look you in the eyes and seem to know precisely what you're saying, yet choosing not to talk, just listen.
.how awkward a bird looks when it walks- it was meant for flight...and how abnormal a human looks when spending their lives 'just getting by' or 'just passing the time' by worshiping/spending thoughts and time on fancies that will never love us back-- we were made to spill our lives out as a response to the King of all kings' lovesickness for us. we are indeed the object of the most important, beautiful, powerful, handsome, funny and loving Being that's ever existed--designed to affect and infect the world that surrounds us daily.
.for a car that somehow runs as smoothly @ 210,000 miles as it did at 80,000 miles. neat.
.the stories, perspective and wisdom of someone who's walked this earth longer than i.
.for all the hidden, below-the-surface surprises and jewels that the Bible contains; that will never be found by the casual observer- but the lovesick re-enacter.
.for chopsticks to eat with.
.for the confidence, security, and untouchable/unfading Hope and Peace that we are offered to set our feet upon daily...for the reality that nothing in this seen world has a hold on us but what we allow.
.for squirrels and their cute, bushy tails and tiny, twitching noses.