luke 9.32 - "peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him..."
revelation 16.15- "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
isaiah 52.1 - "awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength. Put on your garments of splendor, O Jerusalem, the holy city."
for almost 3 years now, i have awoke many mornings with these words escaping my spirit through my mouth:
"More Lord, More."
they slip out completely apart from any cognitive command.
month, after month, after month.
and i believe with all my heart that it's been one of those deals where the Spirit inside me takes over and prays through me with no forethought of my own...
and just last week, He whispered to me "sarah, I have your heart, but not all of your thoughts...".
He's been kind & patient enough, especially in these last 4 months of being mobile, to take me through a rather extensive "renewing of the mind".
trust me, He and i have walked through countless "mind renewals". turns out "renewing of the mind" isn't so much a "season" as it is a lifestyle.
so, anyway, this "More Lord, More" & this renewing of the mind, i believe with all i am are two huge longings of His heart right now-- for the Bride as a whole to be awakened & jolted out of her slumber, numbness and identity crisis enough to remember who she is meant to be- a Bride ALWAYS hungry, always CRAVING...somehow always satisfied, @ rest, content and @ peace in her Beloved...yet always jealous for MORE of Him!
it seems americanized christianity has far too covertly stripped true Christianity in our nation of Her beauty, simplicity, unity and purity. if it's the pure in heart who see God, it is one of my biggest prayers and desires to see God continually, and ever-increasingly, separate the chaff of our americanized chrsitiantiy from the wheat of pure Christ-cented Chrsitiantiy, in our hearts and minds.
and i believe He's doing it- He's revealing false mindsets...those "filters" and "defense mechanisms" those subconscious, even, ways of seeing Him, others & ourselves that affect ALL that we are, say, believe, treasure and do in this life on a moment by moment basis...
Lamb of God, get Your due and just rewards.
get the Bride You layed Your life down for.
the Bride You see, dream about, long for, daydream about, yearn for, and have anticipated since Creation for.
help us daily only "live up to what we have already attained" in You.
continually peel back the layers of the onion, the filters, the blinders that keep us from seeing you and being knocked off our feet by Your holiness.
reveal the distractions, busy-ness, movement, and noise that keep us from "being still enough to KNOW"...You REALLY ARE God and in charge.
may the eternal and unseen actually BE to us as they truly are- more REAL than the temporal and seen.
may all the "workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which You planned ahead of time" truly, fully be fulfilled. daily.
get all Your glory through us Lord.
more Lord, more.