Friday, February 13, 2009

sooo...hmmm...i haven't been super-committed to this blog thing-but that's changing!

yowzers friends,
apparently it's been 2 years since i last visited this little blog here.
and boy has it been 2 years stuffed full of the goodness of God.

i have found myself in places, with people, doing things i never bothered conjuring up or dreaming about on my own.
God is a treasure-revealing, surprising, fun, GOOD God.

i so look forward to sharing a bit of my life with you on this blog once again in the days to come...
until then, enjoy some of my old thoughts in blog-form--some of which are up to 3 years old! my o my it's cool/weird to see how active God's been in my life--He's always carrying on His work in each of us, isn't He?
bless you today friends!