Friday, September 08, 2006

The visions, dreams, and plans God shows us tend to be fire.
We either hold them in our hands and grasp onto them for ourselves, fearful of letting go, fearful that if we don't hold on tight they may slip away; or we let go of them and give them back to God in total trust.
We let them light the way with the flame instead of burn us.

Guys, a little more each day my heart is getting set on fire. The more I seek & see and taste & enjoy of our Maker the more totally consumed and nutso I get. He just keeps revealing to me what He's invested in me since the beginning when He spoke this place into existence, what he specifically puts in you and in me so we can be the currency that He uses to share Himself with others through and bring as many souls as possible into Heaven- I mean for real, isn't that truly all it's going to boil down to?!
I want to be a prayer warrior for God for the rest of my days. I want to do battle in the realm that matters, not aginst flesh and blood but spiritually.
And I want desperately for God's Father heart to freshly invade our souls as a nation and as a planet. I want the orphans (which, biblically is anyone without a father) to know they always have had and always will have, a Daddy. I want to see men and women as true men and women. I want the family to be restored to its proper place, the foundation of society, not just something people come and go into as a hobby, while their business or leisure takes the driver's seat.
I want to see the youth of this planet restored.

I don't know ya'll but the more and more i hang out with this God Almighty the more and more head over heels I am. The more & more I yield in total trust to His trustworthiness, I find I am never alone or dissapointed or fearful or not provided for and deeply, affectionately loved. I find my life is now being totally swept away in this adventure and romance with a God Who reveals secrets to those who seek Him with all they got, not just those who occasionally inhabit His presence once in a while, but those who commune minute by minute by just simply acknowledging He is HERE. Right by my side. He WILL show you who to talk to and what to say, He will use you daily to encourage your bros and sis' with very specifc, desperately needed words and actions- they whole point being GOD IS HERE- in and through each of us who are His. (like one pal of mine here having God give her the ONE STINKIN VERSE I needed out of the whole entire Bible on Wed. nite, she just yielded and humbly asked...does this mean anything to you? ohhhh my yesss!).
What glorious things He can do through us if we only believe, enjoy, obey, and trust Him!
Keep your prayers rising up to Heaven non-stop guys, he hears and responds mightyly to the prayers of the righteous ones clothed with Himself.

Deepest blessings of more of His presence on you all.