i like being a temporary texan. it's a lot like missouri here and has shown me that i really do like
missouri as a whole pretty stinkin well.
loving people is a daily challenge to do it with all our hearts, not w/ our own might but with our Jesus' might.
is there any pattern to the waiting on God/being in silence with God and how sometimes He seems distant while other times He's seems closer to me than me. suppose in marriage with the King as well as with the hubbs, we will have seasons where we will have to choose to love them and be committed regardless of feeling. i find it freeing to know that all humans go through these seasons. it's nothing to fear or freak out about. what a sigh of relief.
hammocks= muy, muy bueno.
adults acting like kids, also = muy bueno.
was blessed with the opportunity to help lead worship the other afternoon. i'm still beggin for peace and Him to do His thing through a stutterin' moses, and i'm not near as nervous anymore!
been doing a study on grace lately. pretty much it's changing my life.
i'll post it all soon hopefully.
o.k. fine - here's a sampling of the riches:
grace = "unmerited gift" , undeserved, unearnable. "Divine favor".
wages are given to workers.
gifts are given as a result of the generosity of the Giver.
it's simply impossible for the wages earned from our petty works to add up to enough to pay our way into Heaven and to enter into the rest and peace and hope that Christ alone can afford to buy. (romans 5)
more to come.
we went to this rockin church right down the road this morn. the worship's led by paul baloche who apparently wrote the song "open the eyes of my heart". the pastor is really passionate about anti-religion, pro-Christ and modeling Him alone, not man's doctrines and short-sightedness. it's good stuff.
definitely had some alone time reading in the dorm room last night. when, hark, doth mine eyes deceive me- is there something scurrying across mine wall?
ahhh the joys communal living/missions training